
I'll Have Three Sugars and an Asian Girl

   Sometimes a guy and girl get together because they think they like each other and will start touching and kissing in grownup ways - nine months later the two have spawned responsibility, even if it was by accident! Now that you understand where children come from I’m going to go out on a limb here and presume everyone who wants offspring would want them as healthy as possible. So, aside from following common sense where the girl isn’t supposed to drink or binge out on drugs, people should consider another factor in obtaining a healthy child. Mate with someone of another race.Don’t even consider reproducing with the same race.

“Why is this so, Mark?” Good question. At the earliest formation of the fetus, DNA crossovers begin. DNA essentially is picking favorable traits from the two parents. Simply put, the closer the two people are of the same race then their DNA will be less unique. The fetus won’t have as many options to pick from as it would with people of different gene pools. Think of it like having babies with your siblings, but less dramatic, the baby will have an increased chance of deformities – an eleventh finger, down syndrome, or maybe even three eyes... Ok, probably not three eyes.

If you go the route of making babies, please do it with someone of a different race so the gene pool can be far superior than keeping gene narrow minded.

    Mating with a different race only?  A  lot of important couples would have never gotten together if they acted on that advice:: Marie and Pierre Curie, Romeo and Juliet, Clinton and Lewinsky. I don’t even want to imagine a world without those pairs.

While what you say may make some common sense, it doesn’t play out that way in the real world. The mixture of races has a host of consequences and does not act to “purify” the gene pool of humanity in the way you described.

For common genes to persist they must provide some advantage (like genes causing autoimmune diseases also providing resistance against infections).

Mixing gene variants can be extrapolated out to cause a greater total variation in the gene pool  (for example, people of African descent now develop multiple sclerosis from the introduction of European blood into their lineage). Keeping the races separate would keep us healthier genetically, as the genetic profile of the races has been developed over time to be in balance among the separate races. To use your own comparison: on a genetic level, what reproducing with your own race is to making babies with your siblings; reproducing with other races is to making babies with an eagle.