
Four and a Half Seconds Late? You're Fired

    It seems that everyone complains about there not being enough time in the day, in the week, in their lives. Never is there enough time to do anything. They work so hard to fill up every single minute of every single day that it's over before they actually realized what happened. They watch the clock counting every minute until they can leave their jobs, and yet continue thinking they don't have enough time to get everything accomplished. Even when they do get an opportunity to break the monotony, they schedule their vacation down to the hour, and stress over things like not getting to the tiki-bar on time. Take a step back, take a deep breath and relax for a second, spaz.

This may sound cliché, but every day that you are breathing and your heart is still beating is a gift, take a little bit out of your over-scheduled life to appreciate that fact. Don't treat every second like it is a life or death situation, because it is; if you don't take the opportunity to actually LIVE you life and squeeze every bit of pleasure out of it that it has to offer, it won't matter how many 60 hour work weeks you put in. If you think you have to constantly be on the grind in order to be happy and are just naturally a workaholic, then it would be of some value to try and break yourself of this delusion. There is so much more to living life successfully than fulfilling some preconceived stereotype of a “successful” person...take a minute to think about what's really important and enjoy life, none of us are getting out of it alive anyway.

    Sheesh David, with this lax attitude nothing would ever get accomplished. Sure, complaining about “not enough time” and then counting the final minutes before getting off work is understandable about focusing too much on time, but what people need is more discipline. Forget trying to relax and take a break, people just need to achieve a job or career that a break would be to keep workers from too much enjoyment. I believe in two forms of stress, negative stress and positive stress. Negative stress would entail the feeling of trying to avoid becoming a lion’s dinner - modernisticly speaking, freaking out about bills and what not. Positive stress comes from enjoying a certain standard in life, doing whatever necessary to maintain that self-defined standard.

Talking about being cliché. . . Don’t work to live; live to work. For those who have made real orange juice before, by squeezing the bejesus out of the fruit for its last drop, life simply just isn't worthwhile if the citizens of Earth aren't squeezing every bit of themselves out to have that happier life. Even if that that means staying awake till 3am every night until a project is complete then so be it. Life isn't a box of chocolate; it’s a minefield, with a just a few treasures buried randomly in the mix of deadly mines. Go out there and get what you’ve always wanted in life and don’t take time to enjoy the roses.