Isn’t almost everything in this world is great deal of mind-over-matter? Regardless of what David has to say, I am a very competitive person with a severe case of ambition waiting to be aimed and fired. If you have a strong passion for something and let any pessimist keep you from pursuing it just because of negative feedback based from their personal failures or success, then you will never accomplish anything to par with the greats. They might say what you can or can’t do in life derived from their subjective views – but you can bet you’re molding life’s questions around other people’s limitations.

Have you ever even played a sport in your life? Answer me these two questions: How many hours have you spent simply playing pickup games, much less putting in the work practicing specific skills related to basketball? Now, to what power do you have to raise that number to make it equivalent to hours spent playing JUST Halo? Not counting any other games...just the one. I think this is a good indicator of the likelihood of this ever, EVER possibly happening.
I agree, mind over matter is a big deal in everything, athletics included. Yet you have neither mind nor matter so that’s a completely moot point. The matter has been pointed out already, as you’re greatly undersized. As far as the “mind”, top-level athletes have developed instincts in relation to their sport since the time they were small children, you can’t just go out and work out a little and think you can get there starting at your age. This is ridiculous, why would you even share such a delusional pipe-dream?