Now, if you’re wanting to sit back and have something to ease the stress of the day, or to pass a little boredom without actually having to kill yourself or others that happen to cross your path – Marijuana is a great substitute to alcohol. Other, more familiar names might include, weed, pot, refer, her greenness, devil’s lettuce, etc, etc. Oh! Sorry mom, but “dope” isn’t an appropriate name for MJ anymore. Moreover, you don’t even have to smoke weed anymore (as opposed to fifty years ago). Now you can use simple devices that vaporize the plant, rendering harmful substances useless.

With all of the overstated negative health effects that the anti-fun lobby likes to espouse, you would think that all alcoholic drinks are basically poison that will kill you within minutes of ingesting. Every statistic or side-effect they put out there are in relation to binge-drinkers, moderate drinkers actually enjoy quite a few positive effects on their health. Raised HDL levels, reduced risk of heart disease, and reduced inflammation and risk of blood clots.
Don’t let Mark fool you, he’s only ranting against alcohol because he’s a lightweight who can’t hang with the big boys. He’s still stuck in the “legalize weed” phase, which I’m all for in principle, but seriously...there comes a point when it’s time to grow up and learn to simply appreciate a good scotch.